Quick post today...
Boy what a difference two weeks makes? Creighton in that span has regained their form winning three out of four and look to be poised for the stretch run to get in the race for the regular season MVC title. Meanwhile, Drake has lost three in a row and collectively have taken about 12837 steps back. The regular season title seems to be now out of reach, and we're playing to keep ourselves out of the Thursday game in the MVC tournament.
I'm going to show a quick stat I built on statsheet, and it applies on many levels:

This is Drake's effective field goal % over the past several weeks, and you can see we've taken quite the nosedive. After a week of shooting in the 50%'s (and even as high as 60%), something happened and we hit an absolute brick wall. It's happened fast and has gotten worse and worse with each game.
Honestly, I think it's confidence, both in themselves and in what they're doing. You can see it on the court -- we just don't look very good and we're real beatable right now. On top of that, our shots just really aren't falling. You can pretty much portion this to everyone on the team -- nobody is really stepping it up right now.
But that can all change. Winning a game like the one we have today can completely turn our season around. To me, beating Creighton at Omaha totally makes up for the crap we've put on the court the last two games. Josh Young returned from an injury in this game last year, and I'm hoping he can return in form today as well. I think we can totally surprise them today. It's a crazy thought, but to tell you the truth, not a whole lot makes much sense in the MVC this year.
Go Dawgs! - dutl 1/24/09
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